Trigger Point Massage
Trigger points (also known as myofascial trigger points) are areas of hyperirritability of the soft tissue structures. These points are often referred to as “knots” in the muscles, but the network of myofascial trigger points is far more complex than just these “knotted” muscles. These myofascial trigger points exhibit in a wide range pain patterns (or “referred pain”) as you can see by the chart below:
During a trigger point massage firm pressure is applied and released by the therapist in a sequence. The deep pressure is uncomfortable initially, and as the trigger point is released the pain will subside and the muscle will relax. It is this release of the trigger points that provides the pain relief and improved muscle flexibility. Trigger point therapy is often used as part of a Sports Massage or Remedial massage where the therapist identifies that trigger points are present.
There are a range of conditions that will benefit from the releasing of constricted areas of the muscle, including:
- Chronic pain and chronic sports injuries
- Headaches
- Carpal Tunnel Syndrome
- Neck and Jaw Pain (including TMJ or temporomandibular pain)
- Stress and Fatigue